May 10, 2004 · One of the biggest difficulties for our interpretation of the material in Revelation 17–18 has always been the date of the writing of the book.
The first three are usually understood as historical Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Cf. Dan 7:7, 25. Which accounts for why she is ...
May 10, 2004 · The case for identifying Jerusalem as the intended referent for the harlot image in Revelation proceeds on several fronts.
OUTLINE: 3 B The Passion: the arrest, trials, death, and burial of Jesus (18:1-19:42). 1 C Jesus is arrested in the garden (18:1-11).
Thus Papias would be referring to three groups: the apostles (Disciples), their followers the Elders, and the other disciples. If, however, Papias is describing ...
(3) The historist (or continuous historical) view: The Book of Revelation is a history of the world from the apostolic age to the end of time. This view ...
Itu karena pesan kitab Ayub bukanlah mengapa anak-anak Tuhan menderita, tetapi lebih kepada kedaulatan Tuhan. Itu menunjukkan bahwa Tuhan selalu ...
The first view will we will look at is the idea that the harlot represents Roman Catholicism, a belief that became popular in the days following the Reformation ...
Mar 2, 2006 · ... 3 hari perjalanan” (3:3). Sejarah secular memiliki latar belakang lebih mengenai kota Niniwe, ibukota Assyria. Pesan Yunus sederhana ...
Our question is a simple one: do gender sensitive translations distort Scripture in places where those who have concerns about such translations claim they do?